Hosted VoIP Services can take your business to the next level

With traditional voice services in decline, now’s the time to evolve your business and make the cloud work for you. We offer the latest technology, enabling you to react quickly to market opportunities, but without the challenges of having to manage costly resources and maintain levels of expertise in-house. Improve your customer service so you can respond quickly and flexibly to meet demand.

Our Hosted Communications Services are embedded within a next-generation network, providing built-in quality of service, security and resilience as standard, backed by extensive expertise, resources and reach.

Make the most of the opportunities in this evolving world of IP

Our Hosted Communications Services portfolio delivers more of the smart business tools you need, offering practical, cost-effective solutions that deliver high performance and reliability.

Hosted IP Centrex

This is our industry-leading unified communications solution bringing together voice, video, presence and collaboration tools on any device, anywhere in the UK. As well as enabling smarter working, it offers lower call costs and advanced call handling. Because the service is hosted and fully managed, there’s no need for a PBX, no major up-front investment and operates on a pay-as-you-grow basis.

Key Benefits


Your can use an online portal to manage your service and it can be accessed from anywhere using phones, PCs or tablets. It can be configured and updated with just the touch of a button – no technical knowledge needed.

Business continuity

All services and features are in the cloud. This means communications will be running in the office, even if the office is damaged (e.g. flood or fire). It also means employees can continue working from any location using their one number.

Call efficiency

Calls between users are free of charge while calls to mobile and international numbers are considerably cheaper – this is all done with no charge to upgrade PBX features.

Cost reduction

Compared to ISDN, Hosted UC gives a 13% lower TCO over three years. Our convenient ‘pay-as-you-grow’ offering takes away the need for investment in infrastructure, systems or equipment.

Flexible working

As users only use one number, separate mobile and fixed lines are replaced and each employee can work from different locations, including home, but still be part of the overall communication service.